May Flowers- ROSE

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A rose flower may signify love, romance or beauty. 

While there are thousands of species of rose, the species of Rose that I use in my practice and products, and will be referring to in this blog is Rosa damascena. This species is also known as Bulgarian rose, Turkish rose or rose otto.

No other rose oil compares when it comes to treating emotional, physical, or skin care issues.

Fresh rose petals are steam distilled to make the essential oil. Steam distillation is important because the alternative is to have the oil extracted using a solvent. For my uses, I avoid this type of extraction whenever possible.

To get one single drop of rose essential oil fresh petals from thirty roses are needed. This explains the preciousness and expense of the oil. 

The current market rate for this quality pure and therapeutic rose is $56.00 for a 2 ml bottle. That is $1.40 for a single tiny drop of this oil; and worth every single penny.

This rose oil is unparalleled when treating womanly issues. It is known to purify and regulate female sexual organs; harmonizes hormones, corrects the menstrual cycle and relieves cramps, fortifies the uterus.

Rose oil is fantastic for all skin types. A hydrating, emollient, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory oil; rose is known to treat skin redness and broken capillaries.

Emotionally, rose is a comforting oil. It helps with concentration and creativity while bringing happiness and peace to the user. Helps to alleviate feelings of emptiness, grief, depression, insomnia and stress.

A co-product of rose oil distillation is the rose water hydrosol. I use this hydrosol for many of the same therapies as the oil. It is a fantastic skin toner and wrinkle fighter. 

Rosa damascena can be found in all of my A Dozen Roses line of products; lip softening balm, luxurious complexion and body bar, light moisturizer and whipped body lotion. It is also available in my Geisha product line for mature skin, a few of my night cremes, and my entire Combination Skin Care Line.

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