Friday, May 27, 2011

German Chamomile

There are many types of chamomile from which you will find essential oils produced for Aromatherapy.

For the purposes of this blog entry I will share information about German Chamomile, which is also known as "Blue Chamomile".

The Latin name for this plant oil is Matricaria recutita.

Like Lavender, this variety of Chamomile is quite gentle on the skin. Therefore, it is acceptable for use with children. 

The blue color of this variety of Chamomile comes from the azulene (or chamazulene) that is produced during distillation of the oil. It is this blue component that helps make German Chamomile one of the very best oils for reducing inflammation.

Because this beautiful blue oil is so soothing to the skin and acts as a disinfectant, it is fantastic for use on cuts and splinters. German Chamomile relieves dull aches and pains including those related to menstrual and menopausal issues.

German Chamomile is helpful for all skin types, but especially sensitive and dry. It can be helpful in alleviating redness, flakiness, eczema and other itchy skin issues.

Emotionally, German Chamomile is calming. It is an antidepressant which helps with stress and irritability.

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