May Flowers -LAVENDER

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lavendula angustfolia
Lavender flowers are considered an elegant luxury. They are a sign of refinement, wealth, wisdom, purity and devotion. 

Many think of lavender as a girly flower with a feminine scent. I don't usually even associate lavender with flowers. I find the fresh and minty scent to be more unisex than other floral oils.

Lavender essential oil is extracted from the buds of this beautiful purple flowering plant. 

Lavender is by far my favorite essential oil. Not just because it smells wonderful, because it does, but because lavender is the single most versatile essential oil I know. I purchase more lavender, personally and professionally, than any other essential oil. Almost every single product I craft has lavender oil in it. 

Not just any lavender, mind you. The lavender I use is 100% pure essential oil extracted from organically grown French Bulgarian lavender buds. This type of lavender is known to contain higher healing components than any other lavender. It is grown in very specific conditions and harvested at very specific times of the year. 

Lavender is so gentle on the skin that it is one of very few essential oils that I ever recommend for undiluted skin application.

Lavender is fantastic when applied to burns because it not only helps to prevent infection and inflammation, but it also reduces pain and promotes healing.
I rarely recommend essential oils for use while pregnant or breast feeding. Nor do I usually recommend essential oils for use with a newborn baby, but lavender is so gentle that it is an occasional exception. It is usually safe for older infants, toddlers and children. (Please ask a trained clinical aromatherapist before using any essential oil!)

Emotionally, lavender is soothing and calming to the nervous system. I highly recommend lavender for those in need of a restful night’s sleep.

Inhaling lavender brings immediate relief from stress and anxiety. I don't go anywhere without my lavender inhaler!

I am often surprised by the number of clients who aren’t familiar with the scent of true lavender. This is likely because lavender is another of the most chemically-copied oils. These fragrance oils do not have the therapeutic value of essential oils. In fact, they can do a lot of harm to your skin. Please make sure to use products only made with real and pure organically grown lavender essential oil.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Once my number of "followers" reaches 25, I will be giving away a Ylang Ylang Perfume Oil to one of those lucky followers!

Tell your friends, your family. Tell everyone!