WEEDS: Plantain

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Plantago major
(The Weed not the Fruit...)

Fantastic nourishing oil for all ages and skin types including sensitive, babies and toddlers.

Nourishing    Revitalizing    Restoring

A natural skin lubricant that treats damaged skin and speeds recovery. 

Relieves itchiness, blisters, pain, swelling, diaper rash and even hemorrhoids. Prevents scarring. (Try some gentle plantain oil for baby's bum!)

Draws out splinters and infection while healing ring-worm, torn muscles and mucous membranes.

Studies have shown plantain to prevent breast cancer, reverse cysts and even early forms of breast cancer (in-situ cancers) and repairs abnormal pre-cancerous cells. This is great news! (Try some Plantain Oil as a breast self-massage oil (or you can always have a partner help out).

The elements (below) of plantain make it a fantastic oil for those of us with anti-aging concerns.

Plant Elements:

Acubin-protects skin from UV rays, wound healer, promotes collagen

Allantion-softens the skin, helps sounds, burns and scars to heal quickly; effective against sun burn and chapped skin and lips; fantastic on skin irritations including diaper rash and cold sores

Beta Carotene-antioxidant, provitamin A, positive impact on the immune system, anti carcinogenic, positive impact on the immune system as well as anti-carcinogenic effects, reduces signs of sun damage

Vitamin K (Linoleic Acid)-essential fatty acid (EFA), antioxidant, may lighten dark eye circles, diminish rosacea and broken capillaries; other redness in the skin, restores skin cells, repairs skin barrier, anti-inflammatory, draws moisture to the skin, great for dry and mature skin

Vitamin A (Retinol)- antioxidant (prevents wrinkles & increases collagen production), manages acne, dermatitis, sun damage, improves skin tissue appearance

Vitamin C-antioxidant, reduces wrinkles and discolrations of the skin, repairs and strengthens skin, anti-inflammatory

  • reduces swelling
  • stops growth of bacteria
  • controls bleeding
  • promotes discharge of respiratory mucous
  • neutralizes toxins
  • binds moisture to skin
  • cooling
  • wound healing
  • cough suppressant
I hand craft my own plantain-infused oil using fresh organic plantain and organic extra virgin olive oil. This oil is fantastic to massage into your complexion if, like me, you have anti-aging skin care concerns. It is also great as a massage oil for breast health. 

I also offer my plantain oil combined with other oils for breast health and for healing diaper rash and in a diaper rash salve

All $100+ orders placed at my site using the code PLANTAIN (type in note to seller at check-out) will receive a .33oz roller bottle of Plantain Oil with my compliments. Hurry! Only while supplies last!

Healing Helichrysum; Divine Intervention?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Helichrysum (Helichrysum Italicum ssp Serotinum) I refer to in this post is a very specific certified organic species grown and distilled just outside Milan in Corsica, Italy. 

There are hundreds of species of Helichrysum and Helichrysum Italicum is grown and distilled in many areas. The information provided here has only been linked to the Corsican Helichrysum Italicum ssp Serotinum and no other species from any other area.

This oil is so very precious. It is a favorite that I personally use daily.

Helichrysum has an unparalleled speed in the healing of bruises (fade overnight), scars (even old ones), broken bones (fused in half the normal time). 

Helichrysum reduces inflammation and speeds healing of skin irritations and wounds including burns, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne  and rosacea.

This amazing essential oils has shown to regenerate damaged tissue and nerves. It is fantastic for use with muscle spasms and joint pain and has said to work well with carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis.

Helichrysum is an antioxidant, detoxifier (draws heavy metals and other toxins front he body), antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral and immune system booster. It has even been successfully used to treat an irregular heart beat and high blood pressure.

Emotionally, Helichrysum is a comforting oil. It opens the creative side of the brain and aids in meditation.
When used in psychotherapy, helichrysum has been known to help in resolving emotions and restoring buried memories.

The unique scent of Helichrysum is one I have a difficult time explaining. I have heard it described as warm, rich, green, curry, honey, butter, powerful, floral, minty, earthy, herbal, fresh, radiant, spicy, woodsy, ...

I personally think it is a little of all of these. It is definitely powerful and may take some getting used to, but the end results will have you falling in love with Helichrysum in no time at all.

I offer several artisan skin care products that contain Helichrysum. I also enjoy custom blending products for your individual needs.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Oil of Tranquility
My Vetiveria zizanoides essential oil is steam distilled from the root of the vetiver grass organically grown in Indonesia. It is of the highest therapeutic quality. 

The essential oil has a very strong balsamic and earthy scent that may take some getting used to. I personally love it, but that was not always the case.

Vetiver essential oil is know for strengthening, calming and balancing the nervous system while stimulating the circulatory system. It soothes irritability, anger and hysteria while boosting the immune system. 

The essential oil relieves stress and tension, promotes sleep, balances mood and grounds the user. Vetiver also controls infection and inhibits fungus growth.

When used properly, there are no known safety issues for vetiver essential oil.

In 2001 Dr. Terry Friedman studied the effect of essential oils on students who had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He used an EEG to measure brainwaves of the participants.
The study showed an improvement in performance in 100% of the students who were given vetiver essential oil during the study. These students had improved brain activity and a reduction in ADD or ADHD symptoms. 
Parents of the students claimed an improvement in at home behavior, and teachers noted an improvement in school performance.

Because of its balancing and calming properties, Vetiver is one of the five essential oils that I use in my PEACE synergy.

Thanks to Dr. Friedman's study, and my access to the highest therapeutic quality vetiver essential oil, I am now offering a Calm and Focus Kit to help alleviate the symptoms of ADD and ADHD.

Curry for your Complexion?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One of the spices used to make curry is a fabulous root called Turmeric (Curcuma longa). Not only is it delicious in your favorite Indian dish, but its natural healing properties make it fantastic for your skin.

Turmeric is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It provides prevention and healing for many skin issues including acne, eczema and psoriasis. Great for bruises, cuts and burns as well.

Turmeric is an excellent helper in the elimination of toxins from your skin and body. It also stimulates your immune system. 

This calming and warming oil reduces pain and swelling making it great for joint and muscular pain relief.

Rubbing a natural massage oil containing turmeric on your abdomen may help with digestion, reduction of fluids and prevention of gas. Fantastic for menstrual cramps and nausea, too.

Turmeric powder is what gives curry its yellow color. So, you can expect the oil to be yellowish as well. The scent of turmeric is delightfully earthy, spicy, woodsy and warm.

Turmeric is regularly used in Ayurvedic medicine. Some of its medicinal uses include skin, heart, liver and lung treatments as well as with the treatment of diabetes.

Currently research is being performed on the use of turmeric as a cancer tumor inhibitor, an aid in the recovery of stroke patients, and as a diabetes and Alzheimer's medication. Exciting stuff! 
Turmeric may irritate very sensitive skin and should be avoided during pregnancy.
As always, this information is provided for educational purposes and is not intended for any other use. Always follow safety guidelines when using essential oils and never use them without the guidance of a clinically trained aromatherapist or physician.  

If you are a follower of this blog, I would like to show my appreciation for your time by offering a 20% discount on your entire order when you purchase any of my products containing turmeric during the remainder of June. Use Coupon Code "CURRY" at Etsy check-out.

Follow My Blog

Friday, June 10, 2011

Begin following my blog, Spoil Yourself Rotten!, today and take 20% off your entire order when you purchase any Eight Ounce Mineral Cleanser or Clay Mask!


1. Look up to the right of this page and click on "Follow". Follow the directions.

2. Then, go to www.SpoiledRottenSoap.com and choose at least one of the following eight ounce products:
California Girl Mineral Cleanser* (For all skin types)
Geisha Mineral Cleanser (For all skin types, especially mature)
Hula Girl Mineral Cleanser (For all skin types, especially dry and mature)
Grumpy Skin Clay Cleanser and Mask (For all skin types, especially oily, acne-prone)
Oatmeal Cookie Mineral Cleanser (For all skin types except sensitive, especially helpful for acne-prone skin)
Pixie Mineral Cleanser (For all skin types)
Tres Leches Mineral Cleanser* (For all skin types, especially dry, dehydrated, mature)

*Not Vegan: contains animal milk or honey.

3. Use the coupon code: 8OUNCEDEAL

4. When you check out type the name you are following the blog under
in the "note to seller".

Deal ends Sunday, 6/12/11 Tuesday, 6/14/11 at 8:00 p.m. eastern U.S. time; or while supplies last.


May Flowers -GARDENIA

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The gardenia symbolizes love, purity and refinement. These beautiful flowers have a very strong sweet scent. 

Believe it or not, gardenias are from the coffee family.  I recently had the opportunity to sniff some coffee flower oil and it had a scent very similar to gardenia. Who knew?!

Gardenia oil is fantastic for calming nerves and irritability. It is useful in treating anxiety and insomnia, too. Makes a lovely perfume.

Gardenia oil reduces pain & swelling, stops bleeding, treats muscle & joint injuries and wounds & infection and is even helpful in alleviating some of the symptoms of menopause.

When choosing a product made with Gardenia, please be certain that the gardenia was not obtained using a chemical solvent. In my opinion, this negates much of the therapeutic benefits of the oil (and any other oil for that matter). Unfortunately, due to the very high cost of the alternative extraction methods, this is how much of gardenia is extracted.  


Friday, May 27, 2011

German Chamomile

There are many types of chamomile from which you will find essential oils produced for Aromatherapy.

For the purposes of this blog entry I will share information about German Chamomile, which is also known as "Blue Chamomile".

The Latin name for this plant oil is Matricaria recutita.

Like Lavender, this variety of Chamomile is quite gentle on the skin. Therefore, it is acceptable for use with children. 

The blue color of this variety of Chamomile comes from the azulene (or chamazulene) that is produced during distillation of the oil. It is this blue component that helps make German Chamomile one of the very best oils for reducing inflammation.

Because this beautiful blue oil is so soothing to the skin and acts as a disinfectant, it is fantastic for use on cuts and splinters. German Chamomile relieves dull aches and pains including those related to menstrual and menopausal issues.

German Chamomile is helpful for all skin types, but especially sensitive and dry. It can be helpful in alleviating redness, flakiness, eczema and other itchy skin issues.

Emotionally, German Chamomile is calming. It is an antidepressant which helps with stress and irritability.

May Flowers -LAVENDER

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lavendula angustfolia
Lavender flowers are considered an elegant luxury. They are a sign of refinement, wealth, wisdom, purity and devotion. 

Many think of lavender as a girly flower with a feminine scent. I don't usually even associate lavender with flowers. I find the fresh and minty scent to be more unisex than other floral oils.

Lavender essential oil is extracted from the buds of this beautiful purple flowering plant. 

Lavender is by far my favorite essential oil. Not just because it smells wonderful, because it does, but because lavender is the single most versatile essential oil I know. I purchase more lavender, personally and professionally, than any other essential oil. Almost every single product I craft has lavender oil in it. 

Not just any lavender, mind you. The lavender I use is 100% pure essential oil extracted from organically grown French Bulgarian lavender buds. This type of lavender is known to contain higher healing components than any other lavender. It is grown in very specific conditions and harvested at very specific times of the year. 

Lavender is so gentle on the skin that it is one of very few essential oils that I ever recommend for undiluted skin application.

Lavender is fantastic when applied to burns because it not only helps to prevent infection and inflammation, but it also reduces pain and promotes healing.
I rarely recommend essential oils for use while pregnant or breast feeding. Nor do I usually recommend essential oils for use with a newborn baby, but lavender is so gentle that it is an occasional exception. It is usually safe for older infants, toddlers and children. (Please ask a trained clinical aromatherapist before using any essential oil!)

Emotionally, lavender is soothing and calming to the nervous system. I highly recommend lavender for those in need of a restful night’s sleep.

Inhaling lavender brings immediate relief from stress and anxiety. I don't go anywhere without my lavender inhaler!

I am often surprised by the number of clients who aren’t familiar with the scent of true lavender. This is likely because lavender is another of the most chemically-copied oils. These fragrance oils do not have the therapeutic value of essential oils. In fact, they can do a lot of harm to your skin. Please make sure to use products only made with real and pure organically grown lavender essential oil.

May Flowers -YLANG YLANG

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ylang Ylang

"Flower of Flowers"
"Rare Wilderness"

Think of the name, "Elaine". Now replace the final "e" with a "g". "Elang". Repeat. "Elang Elang". That's the easiest way to remember how to say Ylang Ylang.

Whichever meaning you prefer, and no matter how you pronounce it, Ylang Ylang is as beautiful a flower to look at as it is to sniff. Strong and sweet.

I think it must be what Heaven smells like!

The best Ylang Ylang essential oil is said to come from the yellow-green sea star-like flowers as opposed to the rare pink flowers.

Ylang Ylang is naturally calming to both the nervous and circulatory systems. Widely known as an aphrodisiac, Ylang Ylang is also helpful in relieving depression and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Ylang Ylang balances the skin's production of oil making it a great for balancing both dry and oily skin and scalp. 

Additional benefits of Ylang Ylang essential oil:
  • relieves pain
  • reduces inflammation
  • fights off germs and infection
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces anxiety
  • cooling

Because of the way the Ylang Ylang flower is distilled, there are different grades of the essential oil available. From an aromatherapist's perspective, Ylang Ylang extra and 1st grade  are the most therapeutic. Personally, I only use Ylang Ylang extra because its components hold the highest therapeutic qualities. 

Make sure when purchasing products for therapeutic reasons, you are getting the good stuff!

Interesting Fact: Coco Chanel's Chanel No. 5 was supposedly created to smell just like the Ylang Ylang tree. Coco herself has said that Ylang Ylang is "the ideal scent for a woman".

May Flowers- NEROLI

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It has been claimed that neroli is named for the Italian Princess Anne-Marie Nerola, the Roman Emperor Nero, the Duchess of Tremoille (la Nerola), and the Sanskrit and Arabic words for aphrodisiac. No matter which legend you believe, I think it is safe to say that we all love neroli.

Neroli is the beautifully fragrant essential oil that is extracted from the flowers of the orange tree. 

The blossoms that come from the bitter orange tree tend to have a higher therapeutic value than those that come from other types of orange trees.

Because it takes over one hundred pounds of blossoms to produce just one quart of oil, neroli is quite costly.The numerous skin and health benefits as well as the incredible sweet floral scent make neroli essential oil worth every penny.

Neroli is fantastic for all skin types, but especially sensitive and mature skin. Because of its ability to to stimulate the growth of new healthier skin cells, it works wonders on stretch marks, scars and wrinkles.

Neroli has a soothing effect on the nervous system. So, it is helpful for those seeking relief from depression, anxiety and stress. Neroli is also an aphrodisiac.

Physically, the components of neroli help to make it fantastic for use with cold and flu, stomach ache, flatulence, digestion, headache, poor circulation insomnia, muscle spasm and cramping. 

Neroli is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-fungal oil. 

The scent of neroli is so fabulous that it is widely used in the perfume industry. Because of its popularity and expense, it is often replicated using harmful chemicals. If you are purchasing a product containing neroli
please make certain you are getting the real thing.

What other neroli products would you like to see in my shop?

You Know Better!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I am going off the rails with this post today. I have May Flowers- NEROLI all ready to go. Instead, I have decided to share something with you that I shared with my personal Facebook Friends earlier today. 

I hope it impacts your life in a positive way. 

This past Thanksgiving my husband and I hosted a dinner party for three other couples and their children. These are some of our favorite people.

It was such a fun relaxing evening. Lots of food, drink, story telling and laughter.

We had no idea at the time that just weeks later one of the beautiful women sitting at that table would be fighting for her life because she would be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Nor did we know that a second of those incredible women would be diagnosed with breast cancer a few months later.

For those who have trouble with math, that's 2 out of 4; or 1/2 of the four women who sat there talking, reminiscing and giggling that night.

I'm not giggling anymore. I sit here thinking of the six beautiful young ladies (and the three young men) that sat in another room watching television and eating pizza while their parents reminisced and told stories they really didn't want those kids to hear.

Two of those beautiful girls are my daughters. One is my husband's Goddaughter. She started kindergarten this year. Her sister
started high school this year. Their mom is one of the two battling breast cancer right now. She recently had a double mastectomy and is currently undergoing radiation treatments. She's winning her fight the hard way.

Another of those amazing girls has already battled for her life. (She acquired a disease at the age of 2 that required a kidney transplant. She is now 13. She will continue to battle the effects that disease took on her little body for the rest of her life.) Her sister is graduating from high school in a few weeks. With her grades she had her pick of fine colleges. She chose to go to her mom's alma matter, Drexel University in Philly. The last of those six girls found out that her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. It's too early to know what her battle will entail, but we know that she will fight like a girl and come out in first place.

All of these girls deserve to grow up in a world where they don't have the worry of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Wouldn't a vaccine be great?

This past Saturday one of my bff's hosted a jewelry party to raise money for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk for the Cure. She does this walk every year to honor the memory of her mom who lost her battle with breast cancer several years ago. She walks for her sister who has been diagnosed, battled and is still winning her THREE-time battle with breast cancer. She walks for other friends and family members, but most importantly she walks for her three beautiful daughters so that they won't have to battle this disease the way their aunt and grandmother have.

My cousin also participates in the 3-day walk every year. After losing her mom to brain cancer a few years ago she decided she needed to get all of those tests done that you are supposed to do as you get older, but usually put off. I think God took my aunt at that very time so that my cousin would go take those tests. She took the tests, she caught her breast cancer early, she fought it, and she walks as a survivor.

Yesterday I read that 1 in 7 women is diagnosed with breast cancer. If those were the odds to win a few bucks in the lottery, I would play knowing that I could actually win. This breast cancer lottery is not one that I want to play or win. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to play. No woman has a choice.

I had my first mammogram after I turned 40. Something showed up in my left breast. I had to have additional views taken. It was still there. So, I had to have an ultrasound. Still there. I could continue with these tests so that they could tell me it was still there, or I could go ahead and get a biopsy. I opted for the biopsy. I mean, let's get this over with already. I was lucky. My biopsy results were benign. This time.

None of these exams are fun. I don't know anyone who looks forward to having her boobs stuck in acrylic and photographed or having a needle stuck in her breast so that a piece of tissue can be pulled out to be tested. But the alternative is much less fun. I'm not ready to die. My girls need me. So, I will do the self-exam and I will get my mammograms and I will donate my time, talent and treasure to help find a cure so that my daughters and yours don't have this worry. Neither of my girls is patient enough to sit for hours while poison is circulated through their bodies. They are beautiful, but way too vain for the bald head-look. Neither of them is fond of throwing up. So, we are going to need a cure that's quick and easy. Do your part. Donate your time, talent and/or treasure so we can find one.

Take care of yourself. Call your doctor. Ask for a mammogram referral. Make the appointment. Get the mammogram and results. Repeat.

Don't have insurance?

Don't know how to perform a self-exam?

Understanding breast cancer:

Breast cancer in men:

There is so much information available online. Got a question? Google it!

Oprah always quotes Maya Angelou, "When you know better, you do better."

You know better.

Now, go do better!

May Flowers- GERANIUM

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Geranium flower is gentle and peaceful; a true friend.

The essential oil of Pelargonium graveolens, Bourbon Geranium, is one of great importance in Aromatherapy skin care. It can be used on all skin types, but is especially helpful to those with congested and oily skin. 

 Geranium is a balancing oil. It is helpful to those suffering from depression, anxiety and stress. It regulates hormones and helps lessen the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. 

Because geranium helps control bleeding and infection, forms scar tissue and promotes the growth of new skin cells, it is fantastic when applied to burns and wounds. 

I am guilty of adding a few drops of geranium to my bath water on a regular basis. It is such a treat that I almost feel guilty about it.

SRBBB uses geranium oil in a variety of skin care products. I find it especially helpful with combination skin.

In what products would you like to see geranium oil offered?

May Flowers- ARNICA

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Arnica montana is a species related to the sunflower and is also known as leopard's bane, wolf's bane and mountain arnica.

Arnica is one of the most healing flowers used in Aromatherapy. 

Arnica's extraordinary components stimulate blood flow to and from the area where it is applied. This helps the area heal more quickly. 

Arnica used following physical exertion or trauma may prevent or ease swelling, bruising and pain.

Arnica relieves swelling from insect bites, sprains, strains and arthritis. It relieves muscle and joint pain. It is fantastic for sore feet.

A must have for athletes!

Arnica is used on the scalp to increase hair growth as well.

Arnica is an anti-fungal making it a fantastic natural preservative.

Arnica is not recommended for open wounds as it can cause irritation. Also, it is not recommended during pregnancy or breast-feeding. 

I infuse fresh certified organic arnica flowers and organic plant oils to create my healing oils, salves and balms.