WEEDS: Plantain

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Plantago major
(The Weed not the Fruit...)

Fantastic nourishing oil for all ages and skin types including sensitive, babies and toddlers.

Nourishing    Revitalizing    Restoring

A natural skin lubricant that treats damaged skin and speeds recovery. 

Relieves itchiness, blisters, pain, swelling, diaper rash and even hemorrhoids. Prevents scarring. (Try some gentle plantain oil for baby's bum!)

Draws out splinters and infection while healing ring-worm, torn muscles and mucous membranes.

Studies have shown plantain to prevent breast cancer, reverse cysts and even early forms of breast cancer (in-situ cancers) and repairs abnormal pre-cancerous cells. This is great news! (Try some Plantain Oil as a breast self-massage oil (or you can always have a partner help out).

The elements (below) of plantain make it a fantastic oil for those of us with anti-aging concerns.

Plant Elements:

Acubin-protects skin from UV rays, wound healer, promotes collagen

Allantion-softens the skin, helps sounds, burns and scars to heal quickly; effective against sun burn and chapped skin and lips; fantastic on skin irritations including diaper rash and cold sores

Beta Carotene-antioxidant, provitamin A, positive impact on the immune system, anti carcinogenic, positive impact on the immune system as well as anti-carcinogenic effects, reduces signs of sun damage

Vitamin K (Linoleic Acid)-essential fatty acid (EFA), antioxidant, may lighten dark eye circles, diminish rosacea and broken capillaries; other redness in the skin, restores skin cells, repairs skin barrier, anti-inflammatory, draws moisture to the skin, great for dry and mature skin

Vitamin A (Retinol)- antioxidant (prevents wrinkles & increases collagen production), manages acne, dermatitis, sun damage, improves skin tissue appearance

Vitamin C-antioxidant, reduces wrinkles and discolrations of the skin, repairs and strengthens skin, anti-inflammatory

  • reduces swelling
  • stops growth of bacteria
  • controls bleeding
  • promotes discharge of respiratory mucous
  • neutralizes toxins
  • binds moisture to skin
  • cooling
  • wound healing
  • cough suppressant
I hand craft my own plantain-infused oil using fresh organic plantain and organic extra virgin olive oil. This oil is fantastic to massage into your complexion if, like me, you have anti-aging skin care concerns. It is also great as a massage oil for breast health. 

I also offer my plantain oil combined with other oils for breast health and for healing diaper rash and in a diaper rash salve

All $100+ orders placed at my site using the code PLANTAIN (type in note to seller at check-out) will receive a .33oz roller bottle of Plantain Oil with my compliments. Hurry! Only while supplies last!

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