Free Radicals and Antioxidants Explained

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

According to The American Heritage® Science DictionaryIn human tissue, free radicals can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related diseases.

Where do free radicals come from?
Second-hand smoke, ozone, radioactivity, smog, ultra violet sun rays, polluted water, infection, heavy metals, pesticides and other toxins.
Cigarette smoke, stress, food preservatives and fats, meat, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, sunscreens and lotions containing chemicals and cholesterol.
Normal Bodily Processes
Digestion, breathing,  metabolism, illness and immune response.

If not stopped, free radicals will cause premature aging (wrinkles and age spots) and disease in the body (cancer and heart disease).


What stops free radicals?

According to The American Heritage® Science Dictionary, an antioxidant is a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation. Certain vitamins, such as vitamin E, are antioxidants and may protect body cells from damage caused by the oxidative effects of free radicals.

Sources: mango, orange, seabuckthorn berry, goji berry, apricot, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, bergamot, tangerine, citric acid, wheat germ, amaranth, pecan, Brazil nut, coconut, soy, pomegranate, guava, date, papaya, pumpkin, cow milk, goat milk

Sources: date, guava, mango, pomegranate, amaranth nuts, Brazil nuts, coconut, avocado, blackberry, date, loganberry, pomegranate, raspberry, amaranth leaves, oat, pumpkin fruit, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, soybean

Sources: carrot, pumpkin, palm, papaya, mango, orange rind, guava, pink grapefruit, seabuckthorn berry, goji berry, rosehip

Sources: orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, tangerine, grape, cacao, tea, pomegranate, soy, cranberry

Coenzyme Q10
Sources: soy, olive, grape, grape fruit & seed, sunflower, rice bran, coconut, hazelnut, almond, walnut, sesame seed, parsley, avocado, black current, strawberry, orange, grapefruit

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Sources: safflower, grape seed, hemp seed, wheat germ, cottonseed, soy, sesame, rice bran

SRBBB uses all of these sources in aromatherapy, bath, body and skin care products. The products are natural, mostly organic and include many antioxidants for healthy skin. 

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