Tamanu Oil

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tamanu is a dark firmer oil that comes from the nut of the Polynesian tamanu fruit. The natural scent of tamanu oil is a fantastic nutty aroma. This oil is known for its unbelievable wound healing ability. Tamanu oil is an: antibiotic antimicrobial antibacterial anti-fungal anti-inflammatory antioxidant Known for preventing diaper rash, dry skin, chapped lips, joint pain (including rheumatism and sciatica) and bruising. Known for providing fantastic topical healing of eczema, psoriasis, burns, stings, bites, rashes, cuts, acne and acne scarring, abrasions, scars, sores, blisters, athlete's foot and dry skin. You can purchase sustainably collected pure and organically grown Tamanu Oil from SRBBB. http://www.etsy.com/shop/BathAndBodyBoutique/search?search_query=+tamanu+nourishing&search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_5136815&shopname=BathAndBodyBoutique SRBBB uses this same Tamanu Oil in SPOT Therapy Stik for acne & blemishes. http://www.etsy.com/shop/BathAndBodyBoutique/search?search_query=tamanu+spot&search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_5136815&shopname=BathAndBodyBoutique

1 comment:

huile de tamanu said...

Hi - just want to tell you I visited your website but it said you're on vacation.
I wanted to check your products. Thanks!
