Healing Helichrysum; Divine Intervention?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Helichrysum (Helichrysum Italicum ssp Serotinum) I refer to in this post is a very specific certified organic species grown and distilled just outside Milan in Corsica, Italy. 

There are hundreds of species of Helichrysum and Helichrysum Italicum is grown and distilled in many areas. The information provided here has only been linked to the Corsican Helichrysum Italicum ssp Serotinum and no other species from any other area.

This oil is so very precious. It is a favorite that I personally use daily.

Helichrysum has an unparalleled speed in the healing of bruises (fade overnight), scars (even old ones), broken bones (fused in half the normal time). 

Helichrysum reduces inflammation and speeds healing of skin irritations and wounds including burns, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne  and rosacea.

This amazing essential oils has shown to regenerate damaged tissue and nerves. It is fantastic for use with muscle spasms and joint pain and has said to work well with carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis.

Helichrysum is an antioxidant, detoxifier (draws heavy metals and other toxins front he body), antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral and immune system booster. It has even been successfully used to treat an irregular heart beat and high blood pressure.

Emotionally, Helichrysum is a comforting oil. It opens the creative side of the brain and aids in meditation.
When used in psychotherapy, helichrysum has been known to help in resolving emotions and restoring buried memories.

The unique scent of Helichrysum is one I have a difficult time explaining. I have heard it described as warm, rich, green, curry, honey, butter, powerful, floral, minty, earthy, herbal, fresh, radiant, spicy, woodsy, ...

I personally think it is a little of all of these. It is definitely powerful and may take some getting used to, but the end results will have you falling in love with Helichrysum in no time at all.

I offer several artisan skin care products that contain Helichrysum. I also enjoy custom blending products for your individual needs.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Oil of Tranquility
My Vetiveria zizanoides essential oil is steam distilled from the root of the vetiver grass organically grown in Indonesia. It is of the highest therapeutic quality. 

The essential oil has a very strong balsamic and earthy scent that may take some getting used to. I personally love it, but that was not always the case.

Vetiver essential oil is know for strengthening, calming and balancing the nervous system while stimulating the circulatory system. It soothes irritability, anger and hysteria while boosting the immune system. 

The essential oil relieves stress and tension, promotes sleep, balances mood and grounds the user. Vetiver also controls infection and inhibits fungus growth.

When used properly, there are no known safety issues for vetiver essential oil.

In 2001 Dr. Terry Friedman studied the effect of essential oils on students who had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He used an EEG to measure brainwaves of the participants.
The study showed an improvement in performance in 100% of the students who were given vetiver essential oil during the study. These students had improved brain activity and a reduction in ADD or ADHD symptoms. 
Parents of the students claimed an improvement in at home behavior, and teachers noted an improvement in school performance.

Because of its balancing and calming properties, Vetiver is one of the five essential oils that I use in my PEACE synergy.

Thanks to Dr. Friedman's study, and my access to the highest therapeutic quality vetiver essential oil, I am now offering a Calm and Focus Kit to help alleviate the symptoms of ADD and ADHD.